Dr. Mathieu Lévesque
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Dr. Mathieu Lévesque
Lecturer at the Department of Environmental Systems Science
Additional information
Research area
Silviculture, Forest Ecology, Forest Management, Dendrochronology.
2013 Dr. sc. (ETH Zurich)
2009 MSc Agroforestry (Bangor University, UK)
2008 MSc Tropical Forestry and Management (TU Dresden, Germany)
2007 BSc Forest Science (Université Laval, Canada)
2001 Apprenticeship as forester (Canada)
Since Oct. 2017 Lecturer / Group leader (ETH Zurich)
2014-2017 Postdoctoral Researcher (Columbia University & Harvard Forest, USA)
2010-2014 Doctoral and Postdoctoral Researcher (WSL)